Lakshmi Thampi
3 min read2 days ago

Who read the book — me

As the famous quote from french philosopher goes

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So this is a tell all of people who have read the book — me. Interesting... of course, there is a lot of fodder for gossip. Shall we start ?

As we all know, everyone is interested in others' stories, so hopefully, you are interested in mine. This interest could be stemming from curiosity or concern. The former intent of curiosity to know information can be used in two ways, positively just to understand and empathise with the story and in a negative way to add your edits and propagate, which we call as gossip.

Knowing your own content is a lifelong activity. We can sometimes consider it like an onion with a million layers, I do mean it, from how I discover myself every day. So someone knowing my “content”, would like to know of that person. So that I can learn a peel of mine or two from him/her and thus make my everyday discovery process… reduce this feeling- “aw…. Is that me who responded that way or felt that now “. So that list is empty, I can guarantee… not even me can be included there.

Now, the believers of grapevine, oh aren’t they our dearest critics, they know us more than us. The stories that they have heard about you, might even surprise you more than anything. This interest stems from their curiosity gone really wild. Let us give them a little benefit of doubt. They are the chefs who make most juiciest stories about you and hence let’s thank them to be taking out time to think about you. Its their precious time they spent on us.

Then comes the skimmers, they read the introduction or summary at the back of the book and have concluded on us. They are those book prudes who can talk reams about the book by just that introduction, and now we know how much depth that has. Just thank them to at least have read the introduction and passed a judgement on us than the other categories. Some aspects they like to know about you which they can handle or they want to handle, that they absorb.

Then the cover watchers, they know about all great books from their covers. They know you as they know Jensen Huang. Isn’t that great? They might think of you as a celebrity with the most popular aspect they are known for and cling on to that make everything about you.

Of course it’s a two-way street, the book needs to be ready to be read too. I discovered that skimming is the popular mode I allow access mostly, so can’t complain about the readers that they don’t dive deep.

Courtesy instagram

So this is a tell all of people who have read the book me. Interesting... of course, a lot of fodder for gossip. Shall we start ?
Lakshmi Thampi

Digital contributor @teknospire @hundred4future. Enthu of Photography, Food and Movement. Writes on mind, digital marketing, travel & relationships for clarity