What woman want ? — In General
Yes, being US is really a task. We are known to be multiplexing superhumans… so at a particular moment we could be wanting many things, all are very very essential. Wanting to change the colour of lipstick, to eat a chocolaty doughnut and a inch less on the stomach region, so that the jeans which is being pulled up can slip in and would like to heat up a curry for the next meal.
Multiplexing mavens that we extoll ourselves to be, most times works against us. We ourselves gets confused which would be the thread to hang on before we kill oursleves in nooses which we entangle ourselves in. But at the end we all navigate through them all and accomplish everything for sure. Because we know what we all want at the same time.
It could be changing a response of a person to us being in a particular way.
For example : The quantity of food which is consumed and his/her comment/suggestions/observations towards it.
We fight tooth and nail within ourselves not to snap at that person for those set of opinions, but at one point we express ourselves in effort to change the person. Mostly continue our efforts to change that person and fail miserably. So here we somehow realise after multiple efforts the quote by Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” We start behaving as if the other person has changed and be blissful in our heaven. It might confuse the person or convince the person to turn our way. Whatever we are by then in our ignorant blissful heaven, we have stopped to create change, remember “we are the change”.
It could be changing the perception of that we do things to please you. Like dressing up so that we can attract you or even please you. Are we really doing that? May be in a initial part of relationship we might suck in our belly while photos are taken, or make an effort to stroke eyelashes a little more to bring that extra curl. Thats our way of seducing ourselves to seduce you. We need to feel good to be good to you. So what we want here, feeling good about ourselves. Bonus is you also feel better around someone who is good. Hope you get the drift!
Would be better, not to ask this question… what we want ? we might need a lot…. be in fringes you might get some clues or suggestions which you might can work on and be in our good books. Else perish even!