Parent Extrovert, me introvert
We parents have a habit of extolling the virtues or woes of being a parent. How you got up million times to feed the kid, how you had to get up from your meals to attend to his potty times, even being plugged all through the night as he was a foodie or a milkie if you can call it that way. Hundred million of things you did for him as a infant, toddler, teenager and more.
Here one other minor ones, which was very specific to introverts like me. Extroverting… yes just for his sake. You being so, you fear that your kid may not have friends to play with and interact. It could be coming from a fear of you not wanting him to be a introvert like yourself. Later to realise being one isnt a bad thing or a disability, but a super power. But being young and stupid you think otherwise and go all out to take the kid in a pram and mingle. Or be in a yound kids party and exchange pleasantaries and even stories with other parents. It was an effort.
Whatever social interaction was done then was just for his benefit, didnt make any lasting bonds then nor did add value to self. Ofcourse it did help him to have friends then and he did have some play dates. Me being whatever- vert(intro, extra, ambi) seems to not have affected his being. I hope! Gladly he fond his way, not sure if that extroverting of mine helped him. Just yet another observation of self, which facinated me.