More than 8 seconds rule for No(i)rvana
Our attention span over years have been diminishing, studies says.
In my growing up years I could spent hours making a doll house with chairs and moms sarees, but now while looking at a post on Instagram I am already thinking of a email which might have come.
It’s a weird adaptation in life, is it evolution or degradation that’s a debate to be had. But to revel or survive in these times as a middle aged person you need to put in efforts to understand what is on offer and how much of it can be assimilated by the lesser grey cells which is remaining. But these years there are certain baggage which dictates what content appeals and how to consume it as well.
But gladly, there is content for everyone, and it’s a myth that these channels are only for the young. Yes, Facebook is now relegated as an oldies club. No young people want to be part of that tribe. But instagram that way is versatile, Is what I feel. Ofcourse there is Snapchat, tiktok which can be for very specific crowd.
Now, coming to the interactions we have on these.
We are all out there to create a “ brand” if you wanna say so. So if I am posting something like a travel update, I want you to know that I am at this location and validate me by a “like”. There can be more to it though — travel/location/food suggestions can come, meet up requests can come and may be also genuine cautions of not doing certain things which they did can come too or even help and tips on being comfortable in that location are also welcome. But instead, what we mostly do is just like and move on with a tinge of envy, maybe. Sadly, so you reciprocate only if you have received some “likes” before on such posts from the other person.
With our attention span reducing more than even the classic example of gold fish’s 8 seconds, who has time to see the specifics of the post.
Let’s dissect a post in instagram
It has the picture(s)/ videos as the center point
The caption ( it can be 2200 characters), ironically, it can be as long as a good SEO friendly long form content. A huge potential component to convey and garner engagement with it.
The hashtags in caption which is necessarily for the algorithm. You do it right, instagram can help you to reach the right audience.
The additions to it — music and the effects.
So with that 8s attention, we hardly see the photo or a part of the video, which is the deciding factor. Sadly, so, too.
So a person who is really interested in the content would be looking past the post to go to read the caption which in most cases are quotes or copied content which once more reduces the engagement further with it. Rarely have seen content creators writing long captions with relevant information about the picture which is being posted.
So here by the rule of reciprocity, there could be a like for the photo. Which I feel is half-ass as the effort which is gone into creating the content which is explained in captions is not read.
My experience of content creators content is that initially, when someone is discovered because of a viral content say, his/ hers content is scanned for other previous posts. If they are also of good quality, then he gets into the follow list. But after that he is on a watch list, every other content which comes out of him is looked at and analysed if it is worthy of more than 8 second. Otherwise he goes to that bucket of “influencer” who is to be just scrolled by and hence no action on them is taken.
Then, there is another bucket of creators who are subscribed to and thus her/his content gets pushed to you, as it is what you want. There also a scrutiny is in place so that the time spent is well spent.
In the coming days, the categories of influencers who are in this less than 8s category would get lesser engagement and thus would wither off.
I am talking in the capacity of a middle aged social media user.
I understand that for a youth, they revel in less than 8s content, they don’t have time to read or appreciate long form contents which is there is longer videos or on longer captioned posts.
So there are audience for everything in this as well.
So a middle aged social media users guide could be
8s and less content — scroll and be updated of what’s happening in a nutshell. Understand what amuses the youngsters and their ilk and thus awareness increases and you don’t often feel that you are living under a rock.
Ex: >>>> Urofi makes you understand how weird is today’s youth. Do we have a term for living in this kind of bubble? Must be in making, something where no concerns about anything and anybody. It cannot be nirvana for sure, but may be No-rvana.
More than 8s seconds, education and some actions happen on these.
Ex: >>> a thought comes your way with a great looking man to ogle at.
Subscribed content are those which can really engaging and can take you to explore more on that topic either on these creators' other channels and thus be enriched.
Example : >>>> fun unlimited .
These are just glimmers from enormous scrolling which happens with a clear understanding of the imaginary world which we willingly escape to, instead of books or movies