I am busy
Busyness is being in business
Being Busy is considered a good thing or rather you are part of a business then. Engage yourself every waking moment, so that you might not get time to think. Is a lesson that was imbibed early on. A partially wrong one at that, I realize. A focused person need not be busy all the time. Busyness is no measure of success, or rather it shows that you might be over-performing to fill a void, or just doing things to keep busy without purpose and in the meanwhile not listening to what your body, mind, and spirit want. I have done it all and still continue to sometimes, gladly not all the time.
What those busyness brought me to, is constant activity sometimes to please others or you, in which no thought is put into. I am just doing it as it was expected, or I am doing it just as he is doing it or I am doing it because everyone does it. In all these “ you” got missing, and you would need some time at one point and it would show all the tantrums it can to come to the fore. In my case, in my early thirties, you showed up with some whimpering and loss of focus sometimes and sobbing over to loved ones to evaluate if I was feeling okay. But never a thought was put in to understand if it was me doing something, but always it was attributed to something external, once the job is better you would be better, once the kid is a bit bigger you would be saner or once the startup is a revenue-generating one then you would be ok.
Never an attempt was made to step out and think if this is all my doing, by not doing myself, instead doing it all for others.
Now I make efforts every day to step off the wheel and say I am busy too.
I am busy reading a book.
I am busy taking a bath, Cleopatra style.
I am busy just gazing out.
I am busy watching some series.
I am busy eating.
I am busy walking.
I am busy clicking some moments.
I am busy being with one person and not joining the crowd.
I am busy exercising.
I am busy just scrolling.
I am busy sleeping while meditating.
I am busy doing my business at my pace, not advocated by some adrenaline surge of another person, but by the vision of the business, which I am committed to.