Drama of the womb
Interestingly an observation is that a woman's life can be controlled by one aspect, not external, all internal and very intimate. Utty lemme call her. Is she dear to me, Uff my BFF she is… or she is someone with whom even after 47 years my relation is “undefined”, lets keep it that way.
I am a lady who can be considered to be in one of those pivotal years of life, by popular belief, everything is gonna change forever. Isn't that what I was told at 14 when it all changed, I did see all the red flags floating around as well. And how different it was when I was 28, when I perceived it was doomed as when I couldn't roll around because someone was in Utty, ready to pop or not. Somehow Utty and its drama seem to be integral and it seems to govern a lot of things for me and this is the case with most of woman.
The integral part defining femininity biologically is the womb/uterus, I realize there are many other important factors to it in the realms of psychological, physical, and spiritual. All of these have to come in sync like an opera for it all sings an ode of a woman. Utty is considered to be an integral factor in creating life even, Uff, arent we important! Isn't that spectacular even? But the same body part is involved in many activities which results in some phases of life, where some of us feel like just cutting it off and throwing, and that can be on repeat for almost 30 odd years and on a monthly basis.
For most of us, the uterus knocks us off track, when the first indication of its existence shows up in adolescence, How we all deal with it a perspective is here.
Then the process continues with some changes here and there. If you don't take care of your body and mind, other complications appear as PCOD, excessive bleeding, Or no bleeding for months (yes, preggy scare, if sexually active, otherwise it's a different scare as it indicates a lot of other health issues, which needs proper care). Somehow, your mental health seems to have an immense effect on the strength and vitality of this body part. An expert can only give more details on it. I have observed from my experience with it, which started from age 14, of course before there was not much shown or known as it was developing and silent in that process. Once developed it is all in the vigor to let you know that it exists every month in different phases, as pre-period indicators, cramps during it, and then some minor aches and pains after it. So every month it's a process and some major adjustments to accommodate the show put up by you, Utty. That is when we learn to work around you. I won't wear this as I am in this phase. I cannot eat this as this is what it is. I may not be able to exercise because I have my periods. Some of us women have severe cramps, which makes us dysfunctional for days in the cycle, Y Utty Y, you can be kinder! By this repeat drama for months and years, we become masters by the end of our teens and 20s and think that we have mastered it. Have we ?
Naa then comes a phase when you decide to be a mother, if so. All these years weren't you prepping me for this, so let me show you what all I can do in this phase of yours. This is the gusto with which Utty undergoes changes. Of course, its capability to nurture life and grow it to full term is amazing and it's a miracle none parallel. Kudos, my Utty for that. From the initial spotting of just a heartbeat inside you which indicates life to a full-grown body with those unique characteristics just meant for us, you are amazing. Hands down the best magician around. The after-effects are also astronomical, of course, you were part of a big process. It does take a year or so for you to get back to your normal cycle. By then somehow you feel the monthly drama is just a trailer, for the big movie that you produced and so somehow its feels it to be less significant to complain of the usual period cramps and discomfort. Also by then attention is on the bundle of joy in your hands.
Then ofcourse if we decide to have more kids, our joint productions are much more rehearsed and depending on all the factors could be easier or rather I would say most of the process is much like what is anticipated or we by know it.
Utty, by middle age, is when you resurges and indicates, Huh did you forget me! I would like to share some new secrets which aren't those that you ever knew. Spectacular ones! Utty promises. Perimenopause is the buzz word. #Perimenopause, just before the final Menopause which is also great drama, but that's later. These secrets come as excessive fatigue, mind fogginess, or disinterest in everything sometimes. I am just indicative of some of them which I observed. You would be confused as to whether is it life screwing you because of its monotony or something else. Anyways brain fog is prevalent, there is no way you can figure out, what is the reason behind all of it. Some of us take refuge with doctors and can get some hormone therapies done to manage these symptoms. Interestingly they only can be managed, there is no respite from it. It's part of the process of us becoming “Mature”. Didn't we become that at 14, now what level of it are we intending and do we have to? … can't we just skip this phase? Quite genuinely, it's a bit confusing as it can even create a lot of bodily changes as well, pains just pop up from nowhere in a body part that you never had noticed existed, or it could be a sudden surge of heat when it is pleasant for all around, or it could be a feeling of anxiety as if you are the most useless person around and much more or the most evident change in the body is the dimensions changes especially on hips. The only mature thing to do, as you are finally mature is to endure and rest it out and have all the patience with yourself.
This phase can be for a decade as science says, hope I will have some brain cells left at the end of all this fogging getting done. I am actually after the initial show of these for the last couple of years is looking forward for the rest. How far can it be I challenge! My Utty is laughing its cervix off, with an expression unparallel of a super master orchestrating it all.
This is gonna be a blog, which needs editing when I move to the later stages of the peri phase of mine and then hopefully crescendo in the inevitable Pause!