Dopamine Menu — Yet another fad?
Encountered a term while scrolling, yes when my Dopamine was in the all time high! Of course scrolling on socials is our first resort for this much talked about hormone dopamine, after testosterone and estrogen.
Lets admit we really dont know about these chemicals, so lets go by the really what we feel, while scrolling for instance — I notice a high of knowing about things, being abreast, being cool, an engagement with some concepts, a validation that someother homo sapien does think like me and ofcourse when the scrolling is long enough guilt to have done something not productive. This is yet another villainized word — Productivity.
Have noticed that this scrolling is very essential for my functioning as a content curator and Digital marketer and ofcourse it needs to be a regulated. Here i am proclaiming that I am not addicted, just as any other drunkyard or junky. Some of these scrolling does gives me ideas as my work largely dependent on the whats on the web. Is that a good enough excuse?
Now we have a regulated way to get this dopamine hit by categorising the activities you might do online or offline into categories.
Interstingly it's a Menu, with sides, Mains, Desserts, Starters, Specials. Parallels with food, I am interested! Proceeding ..
Sides are activity lists which can be referred to help you with tasks, for instance listening to a podcast, calling a friend, Tapping, Having a coffee.
Starters — Giving you quick boost of Dopamine — Taking a few deep breaths, Quick Workout, Look for recipe, Dance to a song, Pet an animal.
Mains — Bigger Break — Read a book, Meet a friend, meditation, have a bath, purge closet, Long exercise.
Dessert — Sweet something — the real good stuff which cannot be indulged on — Scrolling the internet, Online shopping, Playing phone games .
Specials — big events — Holidays, Go to threatre, visit the museum, get a manicure and pedicure, make a trip to new destination.
Some in my every growing list.