Every Weekend intend to note down things that were learned or discovered over the week, all to keep myself curious.

Starting with the status of the weeks: 2 Weeks since this was published. Diwali and Work happened in full swing is the excuse I have. But I was brought to this, just to reconsider what all are important for me to note down and savour.

Newsletter which inspired: Ankur Warikoo, he celebrated his wife in this newsletter, together with his professional progress. It was inspiring how the woman would have kept cool throughout her journey as a wife with an entrepreneur and how she kept herself contented. — https://warikoo.ck.page/posts/she-chose-to-be-happy

Trivia which intrigued

Tools discovered and used

AI market place : https://supertools.therundown.ai/

Apps discovered and reviewed

Words explored:

Decolletege : Low neckline of a dress

Senology: Study of breasts

Liminal : The transitional threshold state in nature, such as dawn or dusk

Gossamer: gaa-suh-mer — Something delicate, light, and insubstantial, like a spiders web or the wings of a butterfly

Phenology: fee-naa-luh-jee : the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomenon, like migration of birds or flowers blooming

Quiescent: kwee-eh-snt : A state of quietness or inactivity in nature, like a dormant volcano

Susurrus: suh-sur-uhs : The soft murmuring or rustling sound of leaves, wind or a gentle stream

freudenfreude : german word: antithesis schadenfruede : being happy for somebody else's victory.

sitch: current state of affairs

Nihilist: A person who believes life is meaningless and rejects all moral and religious practices.

Podcasts enjoyed :

Manu S Pillai — the historian with Dhanya Varma — encouraged me to take up the book — The Ivory Throne.

A reading list from the web

Ideas which intrigued:

Health tips that worked: Exercise every day. Do more than walk

Self-discovery moments

Discovered about the underlying doubts about the function which I handle at work.

Singapore — A Travelogue

How looks affect a journey

Does really hours of work affect us?

Gut being the supreme



Lakshmi Thampi
Lakshmi Thampi

Written by Lakshmi Thampi

Digital contributor @teknospire @hundred4future. Enthu of Photography, Food and Movement. Writes on mind, digital marketing, travel & relationships for clarity

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