Curiosity — Oddity Series — Week 44 (Oct 30 — Nov 4 2023)
Every Friday intend to note down things that were learned or discovered over the week, all to keep me curious.
Starting with the status of the week: Yet another week finding the bearings Would say! But more involved with work and some more writing and reading.
Newsletter which inspired:
Trivia which intrigued: Meta will soon offer ad-free Facebook and Instagram in Europe for a fee as social media companies face scrutiny on their access to user data. Starting in November, users can subscribe to the sites for €9.99 ($11) per month on the web or €12.99 ($14) per month on mobile.
How would this work then for us as marketers?
Tools discovered and used: None
Apps discovered and reviewed: NA
Words explored:
Humepenthe: Someone who makes you forget your pain and sorrow
Quaintrelle: A woman who emphasizes a life of passion, expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm
Zemblanity: Opposite of serendipity, meaning that it is an unlucky or unwanted, but predictable, event
Podcasts enjoyed:
Was great to hear about his journey from considering to be a monk to a startup person. The emphasis on mission in an initiative was very intriguing and his take on doing certain stuff for the sake of “transformation in process of a startup”.
Was noteworthy to gather that with Whitehat Jrs initiative a lot of female workforce was given a chance to contribute from the comfort of their homes
A reading list from the web: NA
Ideas which intrigued: NA
Health tips that worked: NA
Self-discovery moments
The interest in spirituality and its progress over the ages was explored in
Mathew Perrys demise and his claim to fame being friends, but how he wanted to be remembered made me of our lives work
Still dwelling on human relations and its intricacies, Majorly triggered by the feeling that whom I considered close wasn't available for me when I was mourning. May be helping me to understand the “we are born alone and we die alone” concept from X.
Sometimes mourning times can be drama times too