Curiosity — Oddity Series — Week 41 to 43 (Oct8 — Oct 29 2023)
Every Friday intend to note down things that were learned or discovered over the week, all to keep myself curious.
Starting with the status of the week: This is a post from three weeks combined. Couldnt publish 41 because of a personal emergency and so is the same excuse I have for week 42, recovering slowly this Week.
Newsletter which inspired: Sangram Vajre’s B2B newsletter as always takes the pie for me.
Trivia which intrigued: Nothing was as intriguing actually as life and we the actors.
Tools discovered and used: Braising my heart to continue with life after losing a loved one. Being patient and seeing what's next.
Apps discovered and reviewed: NA
Words explored:
ustulation: Burning lust
Cornucopia: an abundant supply of good things of a specified kind
reticent: not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily.
Pulchritude: physical beauty (especially of a woman) types: curvaceousness, shapeliness, voluptuousness. the quality of having a well-rounded body.
polemical: critical attack or controversial opinion about someone or something
Allegory: a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
extant: Still in existence, surviving
Imminent: About to happen
ascension: an action of rising to a higher level or position
denigrate: criticize, disparage
gumption: shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness.
Anam Cara: a person who is a soul mate, who knows ur inner feelings
Deliberation: long and careful consideration or discussion.
Podcasts enjoyed:
A reading list from the web: NA
Ideas which intrigued: NA
Health tips that worked: NA
Self-discovery moments
Too many in the last 2 weeks, losing a loved one is a huge leveler, so whole lot of moments were discovered based on it.
Not on the mourning but on food