Every Friday intend to note down things that were learned or discovered over the week, all to keep myself curious.

Starting with the status of the week: This week had been relaxing and more reflective.

Newsletter which inspired

Always Vajra Sangram fascinates. His recent newsletter was the reason to write something on having everything https://medium.com/@lthampi/empty-nest-series-13-having-everything-7cd32f9d58bd

Trivia which intrigued

Subterranean city in Australia: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230803-the-town-where-people-live-underground

Tools discovered and used

AI tools

snacks.ai — to get a summary of the books

Mentimeter for mentoring — https://www.mentimeter.com/ This was really helpful in understanding the opinions of team members.

Apps discovered and reviewed NA

Words explored

nebulous : Hazy

Plain speak: say exactly what they think

Incendiary: Causing fire. In Dilse SRK love and longing was incendiary and he was most besotted.

Deify: treat as god

Foxy: cunning

Podcasts enjoyed : NA

A reading list from the web

Great CHat GPT tips on writing — https://zulie.medium.com/dont-use-chatgpt-to-write-articles-use-it-for-these-5-things-instead-83f3e2f10d57

Ideas which intrigued:

Health tips that worked

Self-discovery moments:

Was reflecting on my feelings of Pranav moving out of home

On meditation




Lakshmi Thampi
Lakshmi Thampi

Written by Lakshmi Thampi

Digital contributor @teknospire @hundred4future. Enthu of Photography, Food and Movement. Writes on mind, digital marketing, travel & relationships for clarity

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