Curiosity — Oddity Series — Week 38 of 2023 (Sept 9 — Sept 15)
Every Friday intend to note down things that were learned or discovered over the week, all to keep myself curious.
Starting with the status of the week: This week had been relaxing and more reflective.
Newsletter which inspired
Always Vajra Sangram fascinates. His recent newsletter was the reason to write something on having everything
Trivia which intrigued
Subterranean city in Australia:
Tools discovered and used
AI tools — to get a summary of the books
Mentimeter for mentoring — This was really helpful in understanding the opinions of team members.
Apps discovered and reviewed NA
Words explored
nebulous : Hazy
Plain speak: say exactly what they think
Incendiary: Causing fire. In Dilse SRK love and longing was incendiary and he was most besotted.
Deify: treat as god
Foxy: cunning
Podcasts enjoyed : NA
A reading list from the web
Great CHat GPT tips on writing —
Ideas which intrigued:
Health tips that worked
Self-discovery moments:
Was reflecting on my feelings of Pranav moving out of home
On meditation