Every Friday intends to note down things that were learned or discovered over the week, all for keeping myself curious.

Starting with status of week : Read a lot, but need to be more efficient to note those down here. So in this week do have sections which are blank.
Adding a new section by name : Self-discovery moments, notes to self, which could be a change that needs implementation in life in general.

The newsletter which inspired: NA

Trivia which intrigued:

Tools discovered and used



Apps discovered and reviewed

Words explored

Infomerial : a advertisement which promotes a product in informative way and supposedly objective style.

Podcasts enjoyed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9ud4rm0vms&t=851s — Film Companion interview of intelligent women directors were intriguing

Photography explored



Which inspired

The concept of starting a pitch with the “shift in the world which we are providing them” than the usual problem.

The problem if stated would make them squirm. can scare them. By showing the shift or change, we would be enunciating

How the shift affects them
may be how it can be scary too

and where they see the opportunities.

the second being the Show the winners and losers, the reality and so relatable

how them the promised land — which should be both desirable and difficult to achieve with external help. So the promised land is your new future state which you would create not the product or service yet

Now the fourth is, introduction to features as steps to reach the promised land — Old world to new

5th would be evidence that you did this for someone else so you can replicate the same for them.

the narrative is about change, Promised Land, and Magic Gifts and Proof of pudding.


Reading list from the web

Ideas which intrigued

Health tips that worked

Self Discovery

A habit change that needs work on. I have a habit of getting affected by a loved one's mood and doubting if his/hers lows and highs are attributed to me. Yes, ego is playing hard ….. everything is me … i conspire every move in this universe!

A session with my therapist, made me discover that a better approach would be to disassociate myself from the situation at that very moment when the person is in deep shit and give the person time and space to process and then when moods and spirits are better have a conversation instead trying to escape from it, but burn inside. My pattern is to escape, but have some hard feeling still.

Another set of tool which was introduced to me , Use of this DRL technique

q-A ekOmirror willing

qA ekOmirroring

q3 Pause using spa!ce

q5 Sounds e.g. laughter

Qo spa!ce bk on drL base

Qv 7luff! bk on drL base

qF Picked 7luff! from base

qD Desire 7luff! to express

Here there are 2 sets of action that we can take in any situation. The first 4 are more reflective and taking space moves

and the last 4, Q0, Qv, qF, qD are more to express which could be pressing to be expressed.

Q0 — When 2 communicating people want to take a pause while communicating

Qv — This relinquishes the urge of a person to express but to be a listener. He is putting the stick/urge that he is holding down and is getting ready to be in listening mode

qF — When flluffy is with you. The fluffy designates an amphibious way of being where the energy is directed towards the expression of thought by words

qD — Here is where there is a sudden urge to emote.

q-A, qA, q3,q5 — are yet to be explored and I am yet to be reflective mode.




Lakshmi Thampi
Lakshmi Thampi

Written by Lakshmi Thampi

Digital contributor @teknospire @hundred4future. Enthu of Photography, Food and Movement. Writes on mind, digital marketing, travel & relationships for clarity

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