Curiosity — Oddity Series — Week 31+ 32 of 2023 (July 29 —August 12, 2023)
Every Friday intends to note down things that were learned or discovered over the week, all for keeping myself curious.
Newsletter which inspired
YS Buzz : your story newsletter which drops every Friday, contains a very good mix of industry updates, tech updates, trivia, and investment updates.
Was intrigued by this week one where there was a mention for
The pricing model of SAAS companies :
subscription-based pricing Vs Usage-based pricing UBP. Hylo Biz does subscription-based pricing which we have found difficult to sell. So should we relook into the other model which is proposed or even a hybrid model which would be more comfortable for the customers?
As the focus has come to ARPU (Average revenue per User) than the no of subscriptions for SAAS models.
Trivia which intrigued: Ostrich has the biggest eyes and it's bigger than its brains.
Tools discovered and used
ChatGPT for finance — BloombergGPT
Apps discovered and reviewed
Words explored
Podcasts enjoyed
Photography explored
Which inspired
Reading list from the web
Ideas which intrigued
Health tips that worked