Curiosity — Oddity Series — Week 30 of 2023 (July 23 — July 29 2023)
Every Friday intend to note down things which were learnt or discovered over the week. All for keeping myself curious.
Newsletter which inspired
Bhavna Toors — Snippet on Keeping at it. Not stopping believing in what they are doing and keeping doing it.
Tools discovered and used
AOMNI — App to search information on anything. Great research tool
WISDOLIA — a chrome extension which helps < TODO>
search in profile —
Posts by Ankur Warikoo on parenting which intrigued me
Some good notes for work place
Apps discovered and reviewed
Email editing app — MailerLite
Words explored
Idoim : hit pay dirt : to do, find, or get something that results in money or success
Godin defines “otaku”: “Otaku describes something that’s more than a hobby but a little less than an obsession.”
Podcasts enjoyed
HUmans of bombay
It was interesting to see a perspective of a fashion blogger who is considered atrocious be appearing in the show like this and talking of her inner truths. Found them a bit not adding up, so left it in the midway.
Photography explored
Being part of Photos 4 Future
Which inspired #AITools #Prompt #Blog
Reading list from the web
Ideas which intrigued
replacing can’t as a word with “I’m choosing not to”. This bring power back to me and makes me aware of the choice I have made and thus makes it possible for me to change instead of being a victim.
By Bhavna Toor
Health tips that worked
Nothing now.