Cindrella hours redefined
We have had erstwhile cinderalla rushing at 12 midnight from a party, as that was her curfew time ….. gladly for her she left her shoes so that her prince found her later. That was what cinderallas then needed…. Being protected and functioning in set boundaries.
But are we there now in 2024? Do we need protection? Yes, from bad touches and bad gazes and bad judgements. Does curfew work with younger gen. Won’t they find a way to slip out?
What is with the dark hours, can’t they do what they intend to do in broad daylight which you are preventing them to do in those hours.
Growing up in a small town, my curfew was 6pm, you are never expected to be out after that. I had never seen nightlife, and it’s not that it could be more fabulous to be out then. But what’s is elusive is always fascinating.
The curfew is not a young girl thing though I realised. At 45 years of age, I had to creep into my own home and be answerable to my parent of being late at 10 pm. So it’s more of conditioning that women need not be out at later hours. So what if you are nocturnal, or you just like to get a drink or tea at that hour or just walk.
I understand the drift it’s not safe outside as opposite gender is out there to get you. Isn’t it?
Why not we reverse this hours…. Let’s impose the cinderalla hours on men/boys, no late nights for you from now on. Or just a condition that a man can be out after 7pm only if a woman is there with him. So it’s safe for us to do whatever or not do nothing at all.
How about that…?