Beauty a Bane ?
There are mentions of the above two great minds who met with eachother in some social gathering. Rumor mills, which I am joining now says that they both talked, or rather it was Monroe who approached him, we can imagine that, she being the vivacious one, and in their short conversation suggested this.
What if we both had a kid, wouldnt it be spectacular if the kid has your intelligence and my beauty?
To which the quick response from Einstein was
What if it was other way around, wouldnt that be a disaster?
As per the sources aka rumor mills they both laughed, exchanged a few more words, and that was Marilyn’s fantastic proposition and the hasty response of the great genius.
One thing to note is that as per records, Monroes IQ (Intelligence Quotient) was 165, which was five points higher than Einstein. To more comtemporary comparison, Stefen Hopkins is considered to be 152.
Didn’t she undermine herself by asking that question? I wonder. There are factions which says they never met as well. That aside, hypothetically even if this conversation had taken place, doesnot it show we don’t look past the symmeterical face and curves in a woman.
I have often heard, woman being labelled as someone who grew in career because of her looks or woman has it easy.
In one of the office instances in Gurgaon, a young girl was leaving office at 7 PM after a long day at work, and one of her senior collegues commenting as
“Agale Janam Mohe Bitiya Keejo ” — which was a famous hindi sitcom title in early 2000s, which translates to — Please make me a girl in next birth.
It just indicated that, girls have it easy. Really?
Monroe for instances is recorded to have been a avid reader who read Freud and her library was supposedly a huge one. She is supposedly have been a very unhappy person although with all the fame and opportunities she had.
Some of her words — arent they wise — you decide
- People started saying she was a lesbian. I smiled. There is no wrong sex if there is love in it.
- Dogs dont bite. Only humans do.
- I want to have courage to be true to the face I’ve made. I want to grow old without faclift.
- Being a sex symbol is a huge burden to carry, especially when you are tired and bewildered.
- Disappoinments open your eyes but closes your heart.
- Sex is part of nature, and I am having a wonderful time with nature.
- I’ve never left anyone I believed in.
- Nobody said I was pretty, when I was a kid. All kids should be told they’re handsome, even if they are not.
- If I had followed all the rules, I would have never gotten anywhere.
- Its easier to love a man than to live with him.
A thought which made me once more muse…. what do we really see in a person or what do we really see in ourselves first?