Are you tuning, harmonising or just selfying ?
Now, as per Social Media, you can do face tuning or harmonizing it or just take a selfie with filters on. Let me emphasize “just” there.
You are the one who takes the selfie, just as I am. We are all Unaysaurus. She was considered one of the cutest dinosaurs from that era. So we are her clan, as the world has moved on from filtered selfies!
Face Harmonizing, as we know it, is one of the latest trends. Now, I can’t use these cliched words, as things are changing every minute. Once I push my publish button here, this trend could also belong to Unaysaurus. I just got curious about this “facial harmonization” and “facial balancing.”
Some users on the internet zoomed in on their wide eyes, plump lips, and defined jawlines — conventionally, Eurocentrically attractive features — only to zoom out and “reveal” that their various parts weren’t symmetrically aligned: “Good features, bad facial harmony,” they called it. Others shared close-ups of their hooded eyes, large noses, and thin lips, only to widen the lens and stun viewers. Surprise! They were better looking than anticipated, thanks to symmetry! This phenomenon was known as “bad features, good facial harmony.”
It’s just another way to tell us how imperfect we are and that we should buy some product or alter this by including “that” service to be more harmonized or balanced. It’s really that simple to be balanced or is it?
Recently, at the Super Bowl, Tyla, the African singer, called out for face-tuning her photos, and it went viral. She just won a Grammy — that’s enough reason to be viral — but she belongs to Gen Z, so these things come with it, I guess. She can’t just sit on the laurels of her recent win, or rather, she knows her audience would listen to her music only if she spoke their language, too. So this lament of face tuning, maybe.
Looking at her images, I wonder why she needs anything. But we live in an age and time when what you have isn’t enough; always, there is something to aspire for. Otherwise, are you ambitious enough? You might be relegated to Thandavibe/Thallavibe, as we say in Malayalam, if you aren’t trendworthy!