Any version of you is fine
I was reminded when I used to have anxiety attacks quite often, that you would get better and you would be your former self
What is this former self and Why shouldn't I be like this and What needs to be done to get back that former Normal self…. all were questions that used to simmer in me. But kept aside as anxiety was at play and when he is playing nobody else can occupy your being. But the struggle was on to be that normal self that the loved one wanted me to. It is that little kid syndrome who is always wanting to please your parent. Could be
If I was told, You do you, we are ok to be around you. I feel I wouldn't have struggled with being me for almost 2 decades. I had to understand that my mind work may be a little different from those around me. I think more than them and I get affected by things happening around me. This can be a double-edged sword. I can feel you when you are in pain, but I had to learn to detach myself from the pain and be around the person to be helpful or supportive. I had this habit of taking it on and storing it somewhere, which actually gets confused and it becomes all mine at a later point. Also, didn't have the knowledge of how to segregate what is yours and what is mine. Still struggle a lot with that, I am talking of feeling, When someone is upset the first thing that crosses my mind is “Is it something that I might have done?” Talking to a trained professional did help me a lot to understand what is mine for sure, but interactions still left me baffled, which I have time to figure out. I hope to accept any version of the people around me. Not applicable to those who are not mine!