150 gms, isn’t that a lot?

Lakshmi Thampi
5 min readAug 15, 2024


What triggers such a heinous act from a man or a group of men towards a woman? How much ever she is ruthless, psychotic or whatever, does a human action warrant such a response from another set or one? It can be termed inhuman, atrocious, and protested against and this would keep happening even a total reform can be made into the psychology of how we raise our sons.

Terrifies me to think of what that 31 year old might have gone through in the company of those so-called humans, in her workspace in Kolkata on Aug 9 2024. What all to take care of when you are reveling in your workspace?

Consent and Respect are two keystones in any interaction. Here and in situations as such, I don't think consent can ever be acquired, no woman would be ready to do a sexual act to this limit, say under any circumstances. Respect the basic attribute, is something that is so essential and we often look past it.

Brutality of it all, came hounding us when Nirbhaya went thru it, and we all did die a bit then with her. Now do we still remain to emphasise? Would empathy help is the question but some actions may be in your field of influence.

What could those be?

Maybe have conversations with your male counterparts on your likes and dislikes.

Maybe have a heart-to-heart with your impressionable son or male friends on what goes within us when such moves, although it is just a bad look, do in our psyche.

Maybe reach out and offer a ride to a lonely lady when you are driving past her.

Raise your voice against domestic abuse or seek help with childhood abuse and don't allow your protectors to put it under the carpet, shrouding in shame. And the perpetrators gloat about their conquests and continue. remind them they can get such services at a cost and its more respectable to do it that way, that force on someone.

Get help in ways of therapy, to deal with such incidents which might have happened in the past, so that victim mentality can be dealt with and the thought that you might be deserving this, can be reasoned out well. This makes you capable to warding off such attacks which keep happening to us in work environments or at presumed safe places like our homes.

Raise your voice in witnessing such incidents, although you would be labeled as a rebel. It would be helpful for someone else nor may be for you at that instance. People don't like expressive woman.

Learn a defense mechanism. Carry pins, small knives, and pepper sprays. So the battle to start with is equal.

Young girls don't need a lot of protection, she needs exposure and knowledge and a non-judgemental environment. Let's be open to discussing when her physical faculties are getting mature. Let her experiment and don't judge her for that.

No one is here for a service, you need it as much as they need it. So it's an equal world. Go get it if you want to and communicate about the needs and preferences. So that there is clarity in such interactions and doesn't have any ambiguity, which can turn violent.

anything and everything that can alleviate the brutality of this all!

Here in this incident from Calcutta which caught media attention, the young woman was raped and killed brutally. In her vagina, there was an insane amount of semen which shows that it was either multiple rounds or a mob who did this act to her.

Don’t we all carry around resentment all through our life of the emotional sediment which is very similar to hers, because of unwanted advances made on us or even an act which wasn’t asked for? Maybe it does not amount to that quantity, but that does brew some sort of negativity, which I have yet to put a name to. Is it acute resentment, rage, insecurity, fear, apprehension, alienation, aversion, claustrophobia, perplexed, rattled, fury, guilt, shame, dread, and tiredness of saving yourself from such situations time and again?

Gandhi says about independence, even after 70 odd years we are nowhere near.

Courtesy: instagram

On this Indian independence day, the question of safety lingers large all above us women.

Outrage is rampant on social media and on the ground.

Is there a path-breaking rule that was initiated in this regard, which can be brought forward and reinstated, so that men would think twice before forcing themselves upon women?

Are there rules punishing those uncles who well intentionally molest young girls in the family?

Is there a way she can be educated to speak up for herself?

Is there a curriculum that would teach men to appreciate women as she is, and not as objects of their sexual interests only?

Is there a curriculum that sensitizes young girls on what is right and wrong?

Is there a way for her to think, she does not deserve this treatment and it's not her doing at all, she can enjoy her Chinese food and sleeveless tops, they arent the banes as told to you.

Some excerpts of the outrage on SM


A poem by Ayushman Khuranna the hindi film actor.

Courtesy : instagram
Courtesy: Instagram
Courtesy: INstagram
Courtesy: Instagram




Lakshmi Thampi

Digital contributor @teknospire @hundred4future. Enthu of Photography, Food and Movement. Writes on mind, digital marketing, travel & relationships for clarity